Wednesday, September 19, 2007
What Are The Symptoms Of Breast Cancer
In the early stage, breast cancer can be in form of painful lump and atimes be presented as breast pain. It can also come as inflammation when it is associated with the skin. In this case the breast tumour itself is causing inflammatory reaction of the skin and this causes a lot of pains, swelling, redness of the breast and also warmth throughout the breast.
In addition to this, changes in the shape and appearance of the breast is also suspicious to breast cancer. Before the arival of X-ray of the breast (mammography) breast cancer is mostly discovered as not showing the evidence of the disease before the symptom comes to existence, which means that the X-ray helps a lot to detect this dealdy disease earlier.
Though not all the breast symptoms turns out to be breast cancer but skin changes of the nipples is one of the late manifestation of cancer. At any age, the appearance of any breast symptom should be taken seriously by both the patient and the doctor meanwhile there may be possibility of breast cancer in any breast symptom.
Furthermore, breast cancer orgasms that spreads beyond original organ through blood surface, and this causes symptoms that depends on the location of the organ. These common organs include the brain, liver, lung bone etc though the symptoms on these organs may occur as a rusult of illnesses or disease.
Friday, September 14, 2007
How Can Your Breast Be Examined
The main aim or purpose of monthly breast self examination is to enable you (women and girls) to know what is normal in their breast and also to notice any changes that occurs if there is any. This is to help you notice when this deadly disease has evaded and since breast cancer may be successfully treated if discovered early it is necessary you adhere to this.
Thus, to examine your breast, you need to lie down with a pillow right under your right shoulder and behind your head, then use your finger on your left hand to see if you can feel any lump or lumps in your right breast. While your finger is still there, press firmly to feel your breast tissues by moving the skin without forcing the tissue beneath, press midway into the tissue then deep your finger deeply down to the ribs, move around the breast and please try to remember how exactly you feel your breast every month.
Your left breast should be examined same way as the right was examined but before then you have to move the pillow to under your left shoulder as you did while checking or examining the right one.
This examination should be repeated while standing mostly in front of a mirrow, with one of your arms behind your head. This easily helps you to check the upper and outer part of your breasts towards the armpit where most of the breast cancers are found. This can also be done while taken your bath because breast changes are easily noticed when the skin is wet. Also examine if there is any dimpling of the skin or changes in the nipples while standing in the front of the mirror. If any changes is been noticed, don’t hesitate to see you doctor for more advise.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Reasons Why Your Breast Should Be Examined
The question in most women or girls’ mind may be; why should I examine my breast? But it is the most essential and easy way to detect this deadly disease called breast cancer. The most recommended time for breast examination is soon after the breasts have finished developing and growing into older adolescence. The reason is because as a girl, you need to discover what your breast tissue is like so that it will be easier to discover or detect any changes in future.
Secondly, breast self-examination is an important health habit, which helps both girls and women to know exactly how they ought to take care of themselves to avoid this disease in the sense that good health habit is certain and this deadly disease called cancer is been eradicated.
Not only that, self examination of the breast also helps to detect other non-cancerous breast problems that girls or women may detect by examining their breast, such problems are as follows: infections, cysts, unusual pain or irritation from sport activities needs doctors’ advice so do not hesitate if detected.
In both girls and full grown women, the best time to examine your breast is the week after your menstrual period that is, when your breasts are usually less tender or swollen. But in case your periods are irregular, just choose a day in each month to carryout your self examination. One thing women should have in mind while carrying out your self examination is that it is normal to have some lumpiness or thickening in the breasts, more especially during the adolescent years.
Monday, September 10, 2007
How Can Breast Cancer Be Detected Earlier
Personal self examination of the breast is one of the ways to detect breast cancer. Physical examination maybe by doctor or phisician also help to detect this dangerous disease mostly among the women.
The risk of getting breast cancer increases with age just because the wear and tear of living increases the risk of genetic abnormality, or some mistake, which develops to a stage that your body does not find easy to fix up with.
Apart from the above, personal history is also another way or factor where by breast cancer recurrence or the formation of a new breast cancer can be detected. To cut the story short, if there is any way you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, the chances of developing it again is higher than when you had never had this deadly disease.
Again, family history of breast cancer can have a significant impact on your chances or risk of getting such, but you should not automatically believe that if there is any case of breast cancer in your family that means you are a high-risk candidate for such.
Early detection of breast lump also helpst o protect women ffom this disease thought not all breast lumps causes cancer but if not detected earlier can cause this deadly disease. To avoid this, women are adviced to self examine their breast and if any lump, which did not disappear after menses is been noticed, such should be reported to a doctor or physician to avoid it developing to this deadly disease.